Survey-Based Calibration of the One-Community and Two-Community Social Network Models Used for Testing Singapore’s Resilience to Pandemic Lockdown. December 2024 (submitted) (with Spalding, J., Jayles, B., Cheong, S.A., Herrmann, H.)
Switching Off: Energy Saving Goals Outshine Incentives – Evidence From a Field Experiment. December 2024(submitted) (with Borzino, N., Hiepler, B., Schmitt, K., Schmitz, J., and Tiefenbeck, V.)
Catching Up: Gender Differences in Prior Conceptual Knowledge, Socio-Emotional Factors, and Academic Achievements Among STEM Undergraduates. September 2024 (revise and re-submit) (with Deiglmayr, A., Berkowitz, M. , Rütsche, B., Dittmann Domenichini, N., Stern, E.)
One Thing Leads to Another: Evidence on the Scope and Persistence of Behavioral Spillovers. 2024, Journal of Public Economics (with Goetz, A. and Mayr, H.)
Does Social Distancing Reduce Social Capital? Evidence from Singapore and Switzerland During the Covid19 Pandemic. 2024, Natural Hazards Review 25,4 (with Li, M., Wu, T., and Joerin, J.)
Do Mobile Applications Foster Sustainable Mobility? Evidence from a Field Experiment. 2024, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (with Goetz, A., Marinica, I., and Mosetti, L.)
Asking to Give: Moral Licensing and Pro-Social Behavior in the Aggregate. 2024 (submitted) (with Grieder, M. and Schmitz, J.)
Social Resilience Indicators for Pandemic Crises. 2023, Disasters Journal 48 (with Busic-Sontic A.)
Asking to give: once, twice, simultaneously or sequentially? Moral licensing and pro-social behavior in the aggregate. (September 9, 2021), (With Grieder, M. and Schmitz, J.) Available at SSRN:
Social Resilience during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Comparisons between Singapore and Switzerland. Future Resilient Sytems, Technical Notes Series, June 2021, No.1, (With Wu, T., Busic-Sontic, A., Borzino, N. and Joerin, J.)
Mitigating the Privacy Paradox Through Higher Privacy Literacy? Insights from a Lab Experiment Based on Facebook Data. Available at SSRN 10/21, (With Marinica, I. and Mosetti, L.)
Appliance-specific feedback and social comparisons: Evidence from a field experiment on energy conservation, Energy Policy 145, 2020, 111742, (With Brülisauer M., Goette L., Jiang, Z. and Schmitz J.)
Willingness to Pay for Urban Heat Island Mitigation: A Case Study of Singapore, Climate 8(7), 2020, (With Borzino, N., Chng, S. and Mughal, M. O.)
Nudging the Poor and the Rich – A Field Study on the Distributional Effects of Green Electricity Defaults. Energy Economics 86, 2020, 104616, (With Ghesla, C. and Grieder, M.)
Beliefs in “Brilliance” and Belonging Uncertainty in Male and Female STEM Students. Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2019, (With Deiglmayr, A. and Stern, E.)
How Do Different Designs of Energy Labels Influence Purchases of Household Appliances? A Field Study in Switzerland. Ecological Economics 144, 2018, (With Stadelmann, M.), 112-123.
Emission budget approaches for burden sharing: some thoughts from an environmental economics point of view. Climatic Change 133(3), 2015, (With Ohndorf, M. and Blasch, J.), 385–395.
Energy-using durables – why consumers refrain from economically optimal choices. Frontiers in Energy Research 03(7), 2015, (With Stadelmann, M.).
Risk and rationality: The effects of mood and decision rules on probability weighting. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 78(1-2), 14-24, 2011, (With Fehr-Duda, H., Epper, T. and Bruhin, A.).
Sustainability standards for bioenergy – A means to reduce climate change risks? (With Blasch, J.), Energy Policy 38(6), June 2010, 2797–2805.
Rationality on the Rise: Why Relative Risk Aversion Increases with Stake Size. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 40(2), 2010, (With Fehr-Duda, H., Bruhin, A. and Epper, T.), 147–180.
Gender, Financial Risk, and Probability Weights. Theory and Decision 60. 2006, (With Fehr-Duda, H. and de Gennaro, M.), 283–313.
Analyzing and Managing Risks – On the Importance of Gender Differences in Risk Attitudes. Managerial Finance 32(9), 2006, 706–715.
Financial Decision Making: Are Women Really More Risk Averse? Gender and Economic Transactions. The American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 89(2), 1999, (With Brown, M., Gysler, M. and Brachinger, H.W.), 381–385.
Working Papers and Studies (selection)
Social Archetypes and Social Resilience. FRS Pilot Study Report, November 2024 (with Joerin, J., Borzino, N., Roberts, A., and Li, M.)
Social Archetypes – Framework and Methodology. FRS Working Paper 8, April 2024 (with Joerin, J., Li, M., and Roberts, A.)
Bei nachhaltigen Kaufentscheidungen ist der Kontext entscheidend. Report of the Swiss Sustainable Consumption Observatory (SSCO), April 2024 (with Blumer, Y., Czellar, S. et al.)
Household and Consumers. In: Sustainable Economy: Resource-Friendly, Future-Oriented, Innovative. Policy Recommendations _White Paper (ed.: Swiss National Science Foundation), October 2023 (with Blumer, Y., Binder, C., Czellar, S.)
Strengthening Social Resilience – The Importance of Trust, Discussion Paper No. 7 of FRS (Future Resilient Systems Program), Singapore (April 2023) (with Chin, I. and Joerin, J.)
Trust – A Prerequisite for Social Resilience. Technical Note No. 4 of FRS (Future Resilient Systems Program). Singapore (March 2023) (with Joerin, J. and Chin, I.)
Do Mobile Applications Foster Sustainable Mobility? Evidence From a Field Experiment, 2023. (with Goetz, A. and Mayr, H.)
The Case for Using (Hard) Scientific Approaches to Understand Heart (Human) Issues. In: Center for Liveable Cities (ed.): Building Community Resilience, 2022, 24-25 (with Joerin, J.)
Saving Energy in Private Households – How to Boost the Effects of Behavioral Interventions. Policy Brief ETH Zurich and SNF Program NFP 73 (August 2022) (with Schlüter, F. and Simsir, S.)
Do Labels Have a Potential to Induce Spillover Effects? Policy Brief ETH Zurich and SNF Program NFP 73 (July 2022) (with Furrer, N. )
Asking to Give: Moral Licensing and Pro-Social Behavior in the Aggregate, 2021. (with Grieder, M. and Schmitz, J.)
Social Resilience during Covid-19 Pandemic: Comparisons between Singapore and Switzerland. Future Resilient Systems, Technical Note Series No.1. June 2021 (with Wu, T., Busic-Sontic, A., Borzino, N., and Joerin, J.)
OcCC-Empfehlungen 2021: Herausforderung “Netto Null 2050» für die Schweiz.2021 (with OcCC)
Social Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic – Comparisons Between Singapore and Switzerland. Future Resilient Systems, Technical Note Series No.1, June 2021 (with Wu, T., Busic-Sontic, A., Borzino, N. and Joerin, J.)
Social Resilience Indicators for Disaster Related Contexts: Literature Review, FRS Working Paper 2, Singapore-ETH – Centre Future Resilient Systems, July 2020, (With Khoja, L. and Joerin, J.)
Social Resilience and Climate Related Risks in Singapore: Insights from a Case Study at Cambridge Road, FRS Working Paper 1, Singapore-ETH – Centre Future Resilient Systems, March 2020, (With Borzino, N., Khoja, L. and Joerin, J.)
How Choice Complexity in Liberalized Markets Hurts the Demand for Green Electricity, SSRN, 3628373, 2020, (With Bärenbold, R. and Grieder, M.)
The Behavioral Effects of Carbon Taxes – Experimental Evidence, SSRN, 3628516, 2020, (With Grieder, M., Bärenbold, R. and Schmitz, J.)
Facebook data: sharing, caring, and selling (pp. 451-453). In Onwubiko, C., Bellekens, X., Erola, A., Jaatun, M. G. and Nogueira, C., (Eds.). Cyber Science 2019. Cyber Situational Awareness for Predictive Insight and Deep Learning. United Kingdom: C-MRiC.ORG (With Marinica, I.)
Contribution to exhibition: Privatsphäre – geschützt, geteilt, verkauft. Stadthaus Zürich, September 19, 2019 – February 29, 2020, (With Marinica, I.)
Facebook Data: Sharing, Caring, and Selling. Collegium Helveticum, 2019, (With Marinica, I. )
Are People Willing to Share Their Personal Data? – Insights from Two Survey Studies, Working Paper No 1, Collegium Helveticum, 07/ 2018
Bildung und Digitalisierung – Ein Potenzial für uns alle? Gymnasium Helveticum 05/2018, 6-8
Der Wert von Daten und das Privacy Paradox. Quartalsinformationen MVZ, 2018/02, 26-35
Are People Willing to Share Their Personal Data? Insights from Two Survey Studies. Collegium Helveticum, 2018, (With Koumoutsakos, P., Arampatzis, G., Wang, Y., Hug, F. and Marinica, I.)
Gender attainment gaps. Literature review and empirical evidence from IARU universities. ETH Zurich, 2018, (With Marinica I.)
Green by default: implications of a default on subsequent behavior. Amendment to Project C: ‘Moral Licensing and Defaults’ of ‘Welfare Effects of Green Default Electricity Contracts’. Final Report, Bundesamt für Energie BFE, 2018, (With Schmitz, J., Grieder, M. and Ghesla, C)
Green by Default – Welfare Effects of Green Default Electricity Contracts. Final Report 7th November 2017, Bundesamt für Energie BFE, 2017, (With Schmitz, J., Grieder, M. and Ghesla, C.)
Energy-Using Durables: Driving Forces of Purchase Decisions – Schlussbericht, Bundesamt für Energie BFE, 2016, (With Stadelmann, M.)
Klimapolitik auf der Basis klimaökonomischer Modelle? In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 165.8/2014 (With Ohndorf, O. and Delas, A.-M.), 210.
Energy labels for household applicances and their disclosure format. A literature review. (With Rohling, M.). IED Working Paper 21, Zürich, December 2013.
Accelerating CO2-Emission Reductions via Corporate Programmes; Analysis of an Existing Corporate Programme. (With Manser, J., Handgraaf, M.J.J., Gsottbauer, E., Cornielje, M. and Lede, E.). OFF4Firms Working Paper D2b.1, 2013.
Ist die globale Energiewende (noch) finanzierbar? Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR) 10/2012, 521-584.
The Current Climate and Energy Policy in the EU and in Switzerland. Off4Firms Working Paper D. 1.3, December 2012, (With Gerigk, J., Halbritter, K.S., Handgraaf, M.J.J., Manser, J. and Ohndorf, M.).
Emission Reduction Activities in Private Households. Development of evaluation criteria and an application to the transport sector. Off4Frims Working Paper D. 1.1, December 2012, (With Manser, J. and Ohndorf, M.).
Research and Education: Drivers of Transformation. WBGU Factsheet 5, 2012, (With other authors), WBGU, Berlin.
Grün aus der Krise – Was können «grüne» Konjunkturpakete leisten? (With Blasch, J. and Soete, B.). IED Working Paper 10, July 2010, ETH Zurich.
Financing the Global Energy-System Transformation. Policy Paper 7, June 2012, (With other authors), WBGU, Berlin.
Energy-Using Durables: The Role of Time Discounting in Investment Decisions. (With Epper, T. and Fehr-Duda, H.). IED Working Paper 16, April 2011.
Climate Policy Post-Copenhagen: A Three-Level Strategy for Success. Policy Paper 6, Mai 2010, (With other authors), WBGU, Berlin.
Jeder für sich und alle gegen die Zukunft. Zus. (Mit Leggewie, C. und Schellnhuber, H.J. ). Als Artikel in der „zeit“: „2 Grad und nicht mehr“ 15, April 2010.
Newspaper Articles (Selection)
Globalisierung oder Deglobalisierung? Handelsblatt, 13.4. 2023, S. 18
Partnerschaft statt Paternalismus. Handelsblatt 13.10.2022, s. 48
Der Preis der Nachhaltigkeit. Schweizer Monat 1089, September 2022, 56-58
Der Westen und die Seidenstrasse. Handelsblatt 12.5.2022, 48
Eine Herausforderung für Europa. Handelsblatt 21.10.2021, 48
Jedem sein persönliches CO2-Konto. Interview NZZ am Sonntag, 5.9.2021, 8
Et si chacun d’entre nous gérait son budget carbone ? Interview, Le Matin Dimanche, 5.9.2021, 13
Hat politische Neutralität noch eine Chance? Handelsblatt 1.7.2021, 48
Die WTO braucht eine Runderneuerung. Handelsblatt 8.4.2021, 48
Merkels und von der Leyens Pyrrhussieg. Handelsblatt, 4.2.2021, 15
Kein Geld mehr für fossile Energien. Interview NZZ am Sonntag, 31.1.2021, 47
Der Preis der Nachhaltigkeit. Schweizer Monat 1089, September 2021, S. 56-58
Hat politische Neutralität noch eine Chance? Handelsblatt, Global Challenges, 1.7.21, S.48
OcCC-Empfehlungen 2021– Herausforderung «Netto Null 2050» für die Schweiz. Berne, June 2021
Die WTO braucht eine Runderneuerung. Handelsblatt, Global Challenges, 8.4. 2021, S. 48
Merkels und von der Leyens Pyrrhussieg, Handelsblatt, Global Challenges, 4.2.2021, S. 15
Kein Geld mehr für fossile Energien. NZZ amSonntag, 31.1.2021, S. 47 (With Thalmann, P., Bresch, D. N. and Stocker, T. F.)
USA versus China – und wo steht die Schweiz? Der geopolitische Großkonflikt lässt sich mit dem Geschäftsmodell der Alpenrepublik gut vereinbaren. Handelsblatt, Global Challenges, October 2020
Übungsplatz für ein geeintes Europa. Worum es beim Streit um die Gas-Pipeline North Stream 2 wirklich geht. Handelsblatt, Global Challenges, August 2020
Warum Corona Europas Position stärken kann. Trumps Pandemiepolitik gegen die WHO und China eröffnet dem Kontinent neue politische Spielräume. Handelsblatt, Global Challenges, June 2020
Jeder für sich oder Wohlfahrt für alle? Die Corona-Krise eröffnet die Chance, statt Kostensenkungen weltweit Sozialstandards in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Handelsblatt, Global Challenges, May 2020
Vorteil China. Die Volksrepublik ist zum Schrittmacher der energiepolitischen Wende geworden – und profitiert davon im internationalen Machtkampf. Handelsblatt, Global Challenges, March 2020
Mündig statt bequem. Greift der Trend zur totalen digitalen Überwachung von Asien nach Europa über? Es liegt an uns, die Vorteile des Internets zu nutzen und die Nachteile auszuschalten. Handelsblatt, Global Challenges March 2020
Books (selection)
Sustainability and Environmental Decision Making. Springer Nature Singapore, June 2021 (With Quah, E.), 400 pages
World in Transition – A Social Contract for Sustainability, WBGU, Berlin 2011 (with other authors), 420 pages.
World in Transition – Future Bioenergy and Sustainable Land Use, WBGU, Berlin 2009 (With other authors), approx. 400 pages.
Solving the climate dilemma: The budget approach. Special Report. WBGU, Berlin 2009 (with other authors), 58 pages.
World in Transition, Climate Change as a Security Risk, WBGU, Berlin 2008 (With other authors), 248 pages.
World in Transition, Fighting Poverty through Environmental Policy, WBGU, Berlin 2004 (With other authors), 289 pages.
World in Transition, Towards Sustainable Energy Systems, WBGU, Berlin 2003 (With other authors), 242 pages.
Charging the Use of Global Commons – Special Report, WBGU, Berlin 2002 (With other authors), 48 pages.
Ökonomische Diskriminierung von Frauen – Eine volkswirtschaftliche Verschwendung, Frankfurt/M. 1993, 160 pag
Contributions to Books (selection)
Privatheit und der Wert der Daten. In: Collegium Helveticum. Fellowperiode 2016-2020, Zürich 2021, 38-39
Behavioral Spillovers in Environmental Behavior. In: Quah, E., Schubert, R. (editors): Sustainability and Environmental Decision Making. Springer Nature Singapore, June 2021, 29-83(With Portmann, J. and Ghesla, C.)
The Effects of Upward and Downward Social Comparisons on Energy Consumption Behavior. In: Quah, E., Schubert, R. (editors): Sustainability and Environmental Decision Making. Springer Nature Singapore, June 2021, 409-440 (With Götte, L., Jiang, Z. and Schmitz, J.)
Where Does My Data Go? What Swiss Citizens Reveal About Perceptions of Data Centers and Privacy Preferences – Results from a Representative Survey. In: Dommann, M., Rickli, H. (eds.): Data Centers. 2020 (with Marinica, I.)
Wie «clean» sind cleane Rechenzentren? In: Dommann, M., Rickli, H.(eds.): Data Centers 2020 (with Bajka, S. and Öz, F.)
“Purchasing Energy Efficient Appliances – To Incentivize or To Regulate?”, in: Mathis, K., Huber, B. R. (Hrsg.), Environmental Law and Economics, Cham/Heidelberg/New York/Dodrecht/London: Springer, 2017
“Verhaltensänderungen“, in: Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz (2016), Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz. Grundlagen, Folgen und Perspektiven. Swiss Academies Reports 11(5), 164-167.
“Qui doit payer?” in: Hamann, A., Zea-Schmidt, C., Leinfelder, R. (eds.): La grande transformation: Climat, inverserons-nous la courbe? Paris: Cambourakis, 2015, 86-97.
“Who is going to pay for it?” in: Hamann, A., Zea-Schmidt, C., Leinfelder, R. (eds.): The Great Transformation: Climate – Can We Beat the Heat? Berlin: WBGU, 2014, 84-95.
„Wer soll das bezahlen?“ in: Hamann, A., Zea-Schmidt, C., Leinfelder, R. (eds.): Die grosse Transformation. Klima – Kriegen wir die Kurve? Berlin: Jacoby & Stuart, 2013. 84-95.
“Instrumente zur Vermittlung von Wertewandel und Verhaltensänderungen im nachhaltigen Umgang mit den Ressourcen der Erde. Wer soll das bezahlen?“, in: Drenckhahn, D. und Hacker, J. (eds.): Rolle der Wissenschaft im Globalen Wandel: Vorträge anlässlich der Jahresversammlung vom 22. bis 24. September 2012 in Berlin. Vol 118, Nr. 400. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013, 367-396.
“Ressourcenknappheit in Zeiten des Klimawandels – zur Bedeutung technologischer Innovationen“, in: Wallacher, J., Müller, J. und Reder, M. (Hrsg.): Weltprobleme. München: Bayerische Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit, 2013 (With Bening, C.R. and Blasch, J.), 213-234.
„Der Budgetansatz des WBGU als Anreiz- und Finanzierungsmechanismus für die globale Diffusion Erneuerbarer Energien“, in: Müller, T. (ed.): 20 Jahre Recht der Erneuerbaren Energien. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2012 (With Blasch, J., and Soete, B.), 74-90.
„Gestaltung und Finanzierung der Transformation von Energiesystemen“, in: Rogall, H., Binswanger, H.-C., Ekardt, F., Grothe, A., Hasenclever, W.-D., Hauchler, I. und Jänicke, M. (eds.): Jahrbuch Nachhaltige Ökonomie 2012/2013 – Im Brennpunkt: Green Economy. Weimar bei Marburg: Metropolis, 2012 (With Soete, B. and Blasch, J.), 261-280.
„Mainstreaming Impact over Time – Who Measures What for Whom?“, in: Koehn, D. (ed.), Greening the Financial Sector – How to Mainstream Environmental Finance in Developing Countries, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012 (With Ohndorf, M. and Rohling, M.), 165-190.
“Ökologisch und soziale Dimensionen staatlicher Konjunkturprogramme”, in: Wallacher, J. und Rugel, M. (Hg.): Die globale Finanzkrise als ethische Herausforderung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2011 (With Blasch, J. and Bening, C.), 66-82.
„Eine Krise kommt selten allein – Zusammenhänge zwischen den ökologischen und ökonomischen Krisen 2007-2009“, in: Held, M., Kubon-Gilke, G. und Sturn, R. (Hg.): Normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik, Jahrbuch 10, Ökonomik in der Krise. Marburg: Metropolis, 2011 (With Soete, R. and Blasch, J.), 93-121